Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tour Biggore 1993 (red wine)

My friends parents came for a visit.  Good friends needs to have good food and good wine. Glad to serve them a 19 year old red wine! Unfortunately I was unable to take a snapshot of the main dish, it was gone with the wind.

I'm not an expert in opening wine but since I have to decant I did try my very best.

Oops I need some ice here!

Decanting the wine.
Look how the cork looks like after I opened the bottle hahaha. Well you can't blame it on me. The wine was kind of old and cork was aged as well ;-)

Blue cheese really stink but it was worth serving it.

Everybody loved the bocconcini.

And our guest liked the flower as well eventhough it was nothing special. She said the color is very feminine.

The signature dessert.

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