Thursday, July 26, 2012

Indonesian Cheesecake

I love this cake. It's very soft, simple and melts in your mouth.

Here are the steps and ingredients:

90g flour
5 egg yolk
5 whole egg
125g melted butter
100g sugar
1tsp SP ovalette (emulsifier)
1 block Kraft cheddar cheese

Flour, sugar, cheddar cheese, butter and SP

The famous SP, I read many are looking for this ingredients, this is how it looks like

Always line your baking pan with parchment paper.

And dust it with flour.

Put eggs, sugar and SP in a bowl.

Sift flour and melt butter.

This is how the egg mixture should look like before you add the flour. Once all the flour is mixed then add melted butter. Pour in the prepared pan and bake for 30 minutes on 170 F.