Saturday, March 9, 2013

Skye ( Menara BCA 56th Floor Jakarta )

It's already March! I haven't been blogging much. I'm travelling in 2 weeks time to Japan. I just needed to write about Skye before I leave. I'm sure I have more things to do once I'm back. I would feel bad not to post anything this month. I've been thinking to ask "K" to have a date in Skye. The time it was new I heard you have to make booking 2 months ahead. Seriously? Well I guess not everybody is crazy about it now eventhough it's still a popular place to visit. Souyon, my Korean friend is having a baby. We decided to use Skye for our venue. She was amazed and surprised about the place. She liked it! Take a peek. I would say I prefer food here compared to Amuz. Price was reasonable and yummy too!