Monday, June 10, 2013

Penang Malaysia ( Near Rasa Sayang Shangri-La)

My girlfriends and I went to Malaysia for my farewell party. We partied really hard. We ate and drink all we can during our trip.On our first night we couldn't go too far. Our children was very tired. We started our trip at 5:30 in the morning. We arrived in Penang Malaysia at 5:00 p.m. We let the children dip in the pool first. Afterwards we started our food adventure.

The first restaurant we went was not that awesome. It's meant to cater foreigners who are scared to go for street foods. I couldn't complain much as we were with children. They are not so eager to walk either. We started with Char Kuay Teow

Char Kuay Teow

Lamb Curry

Shrimp Curry

Braised Fish

Stir fried Kangkung

We bought beer, vodka and gin before going to the hotel but nobody had a sip. After we entered our rooms, nobody was able to go out. All I remembered was my girls snoring as loud as they can.

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