Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer 2012 ( A Summary)

This is the longest holiday ever! My youngest started her summer holiday in June. The new school year is starting in August.Two more weeks and kids will be back to school. I already have some plan on what to do during my additional free time. I enrolled to learn Bahasa yey! Goodluck to me (with a grin on my face) I tried learning Japanese but my teacher gave up on me. She returned all learning materials that we provided and she had a hard time saying that I'm hopeless. I understand a bit of Japanese but my vocabulary and grammar is completely messed up. Same with my Russian. My Italian is not bad even without proper education, hahaha (something I'm bit proud of). I'm intersted in two more languages, German and French. Hmm way to go!Have a look at how I made it through good and rough time.

Ebi tempura by Aya san. We did a lots of "happy hours" at the playground. This is just one of those days where we had potluck.

Best friends forever.

Monica and Eliana visited us again. She was my friend way back 2007 when we were posted in  Manila. This is the second time she came to visit  us during our posting in Jakarta.

We went all the way to Bali for a short weekend. I can't think of anything else to do here in the city after a month.  All their  friends is not around.

I love you Haagen Dazs, my life saver and part time baby sitter. You're ice cream kept my children occupied for hours and hours for the whole 3 months. Thank you very much.

We had lots and lots of playdate with Natanya, almost everyday :-)
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