Monday, July 9, 2012


This year I had tons of friend who left the country but this one is sooo dramatic. While I was writing this she is busy packing her whole house. This is her shortest posting. She only stayed 1 year.

Roasted Beef marinated with Japanese sauce

Lamb roast, by the author of this blog :-)

Spinach quiche by Ayako san.

Drumstick marinated with wine and apple juice by Manulife Vice President.

Another dish by  Manulife VP

Ruchita's Chicken Curry,ooppps I missed her Roti!!! I'll take a snapshot once I visit Mumbai.

Drinks courtesy of Manulife VP. He is very good at cooking too!

Choya Sake with Gold Dust,ahhh refreshing! Thanks Ayako san.

The famous cigar and cigar box of Akhil. We will miss smoking cigar with you!

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